1960 mccormick spices schilling food colors vanilla easter ad, a photo by CapricornOneVintage on Flickr.
Happy egg hunting, candy scarfing and cake eating day! Hope you are all having a nice spring as well. Springtime means sales, and currently there is an awesome one going on! Be sure to check out the VMTEAM + VETT= Spring Fling promo. Two of my favorite teams on etsy (and yes, i may be partial since i'm a member of both) are working in tandem to bring you some great deals on vintage. Just go to etsy and type 'vtgspring' into the search bar and see what you can't live without (Don't take too long, tho. The sale ends on May 2nd) ♥
PS: There are new scans on flickr and now CapricornOneVintage has a tumblr account too!