....that exact phrase came up in the search keywords section for this blog. Since I don't want to disappoint anyone, here are some ugly 1970 dining room sets courtesy of Western Auto.
Again with the hideous colonial/early american ugliness, tho I'm not sure that zestful avocado set is much better.
The flavor of old Spain wth a dash of american ingenuity?!! NO. Faux Italian walnut formica. NO. Exciting Spanish avocado?!! NO. ugh.
Actually the store is brand new, too! It's called CapricornOneEphemera and it will have all kinds of vintage ephemera from 1880-1990. I'm in the process of stocking this shop, so please check in from time to time and see what's been added.
Anyway, I just listed some awesome 1940s magazines. These are full of cool vintage ads and also lots of hairstyles with instructions. Fascinating reading & diy!
Early American style furniture. blech! I remember my grandparents having some of this crap (sans the hideous pattern) in their living room. They also had a dining room set.
Why on earth would anyone want reproductions of 'authentic colonial furniture' when there was stylish SPACE AGE MODERN furniture available?!!!!
This is much more like it!
I've put up some scans from the 1969/70 fall and winter Western Auto catalog on flickr (click to go there!)
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Hello and welcome to my blog. Join me as I ramble on talk about my junk obsessions and love of all things vintage. I got an early start at 'collecting' thanks to a depression surving great aunt and a total hoarder grandfather.....(They never threw anything away, ever.) I am very nosy and I love to see inside cool old houses and dig through someone else's stash. It's fascinating to see what people saved. Since I cannot live at Grey Gardens, I do part with most of the items I find.